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Book cover of 'Cull'. Pale cream colour, the 'C' in the title has been replaced by a graphic sign of a person in a wheelchair, with part of the wheel forming the C. Underneath the title is the author's name, Tanvir Bush.
Cover of Cull

Alex Lyon is the main character in Cull by Tanvir Bush. Alex has guide dog and sometimes uses a cane.

From the publisher:

Alex has a problem. Categorized as one of the disabled, dole-scrounging underclass, she is finding it hard to make ends meet. Now, in her part time placement at the local newspaper, she’s stumbled onto a troubling link between the disappearance of several homeless people, the new government Care and Protect Bill and the sinister extension of the Grassybanks residential home for the disabled, elderly and vulnerable. Can she afford the potential risk to herself and her wonderful guide dog Chris of further investigation?

Available in print.
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UK publisher: Unbound (2019)
Author represented by: Karolina Sutton of Curtis Brown
Language: English

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