Dark Pines

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Book cover of 'Dark Pines'. Cover shows a road covered in snow, next to a vast number of dark trees. A car is parked on the road, with what looks like a trail of blood coming from under the bonnet leading to the forest. A sticker on the cover reads 'the Zoe Ball Book Club on ITV'.
Cover of Dark Pines

Tuva Moodyson, a main character in Dark Pines by Will Dean, is deaf.

From the publisher:

Eyes missing, two bodies lie deep in the forest near a remote Swedish town.

Tuva Moodyson, a deaf reporter on a small-time local paper, is looking for the story that could make her career.

A web of secrets. And an unsolved murder from twenty years ago.

Can Tuva outwit the killer before she becomes the final victim? She’d like to think so. But first she must face her demons and venture far into the deep, dark woods if she wants to stand any chance of getting the hell out of small-time Gavrik.


Available in print, digital and audiobook
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UK publisher: Oneworld (Paperback published in 2018)
Author represented by: Kate Burke of Blake Friedmann
Language: English

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