Disability Visibility

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Book Cover of 'Disability Visibility'. 5 overlapping triangles in different colours with the book title and authors name in black in front
Disability Visibility: First-Person Stories from the 21st Centuary is a collection of essays by disabled writers, edited by Alice Wongs.

From the publisher:

Now, just in time for the thirtieth anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, activist Alice Wong brings together an urgent, galvanizing collection of personal essays by contemporary disabled writers. From original pieces by up-and-coming authors like Keah Brown and Haben Girma, to blog posts, manifestos, eulogies, testimonies to Congress, and beyond: this anthology gives a glimpse of the vast richness and complexity of the disabled experience, highlighting the passions, talents, and everyday lives of this community. It invites readers to question their own assumptions and understandings. It celebrates and documents disability culture in the now. It looks to the future and past with hope and love.


Available in print, digital and audiobook
Amazon UK | Amazon US | Goodreads

UK publisher: Vintage (June 2020)
Author represented by: Julia Kardon of HG Literary
Language: English

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