Stim: An Autism Anthology

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Book cover of 'Stim: An Autism Anthology'. Cover is white, with splotches of green, yellow, pink and blue. These look to be watercolours. The title is printed in the centre, with the editor's name underneath.
Cover of Stim: An Autism Anthology

Edited by Lizzie Huxley-Jones
Contributors: Grace Au, Nell Brown, Helen Carmichael, Mrs Kerima Çevik, Agri Ismaïl, Laura James, Katharine Kingsford, Rachael Lucas, Ashleigh Mills, Tristain Alice Nieto, Reese Piper, Cornelia Prior, Megan Rhiannon, Robert Shepherd, Waverly SM, Amelia Wells, Gemma Williams, Tjallien de Witte

Publisher: Unbound (2020)
Author represented by: Abi Fellows of The Good Literary Agency
Language: English

From the publisher:

Autistic people have routinely been denied the opportunity to share their own stories, and we want to change that.

This anthology represents an important step in reclaiming that power, of using our own voices. This book will bring together some of the best autistic writers, showcasing the immense talents of people who just happen to be on the spectrum. It won’t just feature essays about what it is to be autistic, but also stories, illustrations and art. So this isn’t just a book for autistic people or those who work or live with us; Stim will be an enjoyable, insightful collection for people around the world, who want to discover and champion unheard voices.

Available in print, digital and audiobook
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