The Colony

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Book cover of 'The Colony'. Cover shows legs in fish net tights and high heels, but part of the left leg seems to be disappearing into pixels.
Cover of The Colony

Anne Hatley, the main character in The Colony by Jillian Weise, is an amputee and walks with a prosthesis.

From the publisher:

Anne Hatley is a sharp-witted and acerbic young teacher from the South, in need of a reprieve from the drudgery of work and an increasingly tedious relationship. She accepts an invitation to the nation’s largest research colony, where scientists – DNA pioneer James D. Watson among them – hope to “cure” Anne of a rare gene that affects her bone growth: She is missing a leg and walks with a prosthesis.

Anne feels fine the way she is, and she strives to maintain her resolve under pressure from her peers and from doctors eager to pioneer an experimental procedure, which would make her the first patient to generate a new leg. Meanwhile, she falls into a reluctant romance with the rakish Nick, possessor of the “suicide gene” befriends Charles Darwin, who is on site digging through the eugenics archive; and attempts to come to terms with her first love.

Available in print
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US publisher: Soft Skull Press
Author represented by: Julia Kenny of Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency
Language: English

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