The World Between Us

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Book cover of 'The World Between Us'. A blue drawing of a woman lying in water with the title of the book in large orange letters
Cover of The World Between Us

Alice, the main character in The World Between Us by Sarah Ann Juckes, has a chronic illness.

From the publisher:

Alice may be bed-bound, but every day Stream Cast brings the world to her. From the streets of Tokyo to a masterclass in video games, she experiences other people’s wild and exciting lives all without ever leaving her room.
But everything changes when Alice is introduced to a new streamer.
Rowan encourages Alice to stop watching, and start taking control. But Rowan has a secret he’s trying to hide from Alice – and from himself.

Available in print and digital
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UK publisher: Penguin (March 2021)
Author represented by: Sallyanne Sweeney of MMB Creative
Language: English

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