Tone Deaf

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Book cover of 'Tone Deaf'. Cover shows a nightclub scene with bright strobe lights. Two people stand at the front, with their hands up. One has their head on the other's shoulder.
Cover of Tone Deaf

Ali Collins, the main character in Tone Deaf by Olivia Rivers, is deaf.

From the publisher:

Ali Collins was a child prodigy destined to become one of the greatest musicians of the twenty-first century – until she was diagnosed with a life-changing brain tumor.

Now, at seventeen, Ali lives in a soundless world where she gets by with American Sign Language and lip-reading. She’s a constant disappointment to her father, a retired cop fighting his own demons, and the bruises are getting harder to hide.

When Ali accidentally wins a backstage tour with the chart-topping band Tone Deaf, she’s swept back into the world of music. Jace Beckett, the nineteen-year-old lead singer of the band, has a reputation. He’s a jerk and a player, and Ali wants nothing to do with him. But there’s more to Jace than the tabloids let on.

Available in print and digital
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US publisher: Skyhorse Publishing (2016)
Author represented by: Laurie McLean of Fuse Literary
Language: English

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