We Are All Welcome Here

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Book cover of 'We Are All Welcome Here'. Cover shows the front of a house, with a picket fence and steps leading to the front door, which is closed.
Cover of We Are All Welcome Here

Paige Dunn, a character in We Are All Welcome Here by Elizabeth Berg, is quadriplegic.

From the author:

Against the backdrop of the civil rights movement, this novel features a thirteen year old girl living in poverty in Tupelo, Mississippi in the early sixties. Her mother, a single parent, is severely handicapped by the polio she contracted when she was nine months pregnant with her daughter, and she relies heavily on the assistance of an African-American caregiver named Peacie, with whom her daughter has a love-hate relationship.

A lot of issues are looked at in this book, including the notion of what freedom really is, and whether or not it is fair for a child to be intimately involved in caring for a parent so mightily compromised.


Available in print and audiobook
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US publisher: Random House (2006)
Language: English

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