Restoration Love

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Book Cover of 'Restoration Love'. A picture of a woman holding her long dark brown hair away from her eye. The book title is in white over the top of the image.

Julia Nowak, the main character in Restoration Love by Stefanie Simpson, has a panic disorder.

Please be advised – this book contains adult language, themes and explicit material.

From the author:

Julia Nowak barely leaves the home she shares with Uncle Fred because of her panic disorder, but in the wake of terrible loss, everything changes and sets her on a path of healing of both her house and self. Reynold Palmer is a master carpenter with his own business, but he’s on thin ice when assumptions are made and lies are told about him. What he needs to do is stay away from the alluring artist and shut-in while he works on her house. She needs support and comfort, and he’ll be there for her. Their gentle friendship develops through art, her self-sabotaging actions, a Georgian house, possible ghosts, historical mysteries, family trials, but leads to so much more.

Available in print and digital
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UK publisher: self-published (May 2020)
Language: English

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