Mantis Dreams: The Journal of Dr. Dexter Ripley

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Book cover of 'Mantis Dreams: The Journal of Dr. Dexter Ripley'. Cover is white, with the title in the top left and the author's name bottom right. In the centre is the silhouette of a man in a wheelchair.
Cover of Mantis Dreams

Dr Dexter Ripley, the main character in Mantis Dreams: The Journal of Dr. Dexter Ripley by Adam Pottle, has a rare and debilitating disease which means he uses a wheelchair.

From the author:

Over time, Dexter has taught me lessons in personal growth. He is an asshole who makes terrible jokes and exploits whatever privilege he has for personal gain. Through his circumventive and often brutal vitriol, he exposes the ableism in himself, along with his family, academia, government, and medicine. I used to be proud of creating Dexter, but when I read this book now, it strikes me as angry. It reeks of internalized ableism and reveals the ugly, exploitative side of privilege, and it discomforts me that he grew out of my own brain. He taught me that I need to be better, that I need to be more empathetic. And I am now. I hope.

Available in print and digital
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UK publisher: Caitlin Press (November, 2013)
Author represented by: Emmy Nordstrom Higdon of Westwood
Language: English

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