The Housekeeper and the Professor

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Book cover of 'The Housekeeper and the Professor'. Cover is black, with pink cherry blossoms around the edges. In the centre is the title, written in white text.
Cover of The Housekeeper and the Professor

The Professor, a main character in The Housekeeper and the Professor (hakase no ai shita suushiki) by Yoko Ogawa, has short-term memory problems following a traumatic head injury.

From the publisher:

He is a brilliant maths professor with a peculiar problem – ever since a traumatic head injury seventeen years ago, he has lived with only eighty minutes of short-term memory. She is a sensitive but astute young housekeeper who is entrusted to take care of him. Each morning, as the Professor and the Housekeeper are reintroduced to one another, a strange, beautiful relationship blossoms between them. The Professor may not remember what he had for breakfast, but his mind is still alive with elegant equations from the past.…/the-housekeeper-and-the-professor/

Available in print, digital and audiobook
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UK publisher: Shinchosha Publishing Co, Ltd (2003)
Author represented by: Anna Stein of Curtis Brown (UK)
Language: Japanese, English (translation)

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