The Other Place

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Book cover of 'The Other Place'. Cover shows a human torso and head, but it looks to be made of clay that is breaking into pieces.
Cover of The Other Place

Justin Flaherty, a character in both The Other Place and Synchronicity by Elizabeth Roderick, has diagnosed schizophrenia. Fans believe Justin is also autistic and has a seizure disorder.

From the publisher:

Living in Justin Flaherty’s mind has never been easy. Unfortunately, things are about to get much worse… At eighteen years old, most guys are chasing girls or dreams. Justin, on the other hand, wants to draw and be left alone. He’s been diagnosed with schizophrenia, but it’s more than that.

He’s in tune with the Dark Energy that surrounds us all, and can see how it controls people’s actions. Sometimes, the Dark Energy will give him visions, to help him on the road to enlightenment. When his mother hooks up with a Baptist preacher named David who believes Justin’s schizophrenia can be cured with prayer, Justin knows he has to get out – or risk involuntary commitment in a religious facility.…

Available in print and digital
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US publisher: Limitless Publishing, LLC (2016)
Language: English

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