The Subtle Knife

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Book cover of 'The Subtle Knife'. Cover is red, with the wine-red silhouette of a balloon behind the title, which is in white text. Surrounding the balloon are white silhouettes of animals. The balloon has the image of a knife on it, and a man is in the basket.
Cover of The Subtle Knife

Will Parry, a main character in The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman, has the little and ring fingers cut off on his left hand.

From the publisher:

Will has just killed a man. He’s on the run. His escape will take him far beyond his own world, to the eerie disquiet of a deserted city, and to a girl, Lyra. Her fate is strangely linked to his own, and together they must find the most powerful weapon in all the worlds……

Available in print, digital and audiobook
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UK publisher: Scholastic Point (1997)
Author represented by: Caradoc King of United Agents
Language: English (translations available)

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